Thursday, July 1, 2010

Independence Day is My Favorite Holiday

It really really is. It beats out Christmas, and Thanksgiving... even Kwanza... ;)

As a child I have fond memories of spending July 4th Weekend at the lake. We would boat, and grill out, and in true Texas fashion, when night came, we would blow things up... a lot of things.

fireworks over the Dallas skyline

I'm not really sure what the laws are in Texas, but we sure liked our firecrackers. There are no gifts exchanged on this day, just the acknowledgement that we live in a great country. That is something I have always loved.

These past couple of years I have spent in DC have been fun. The first year here was the best. I had to work on July 4th, but watched the fireworks from an air conditioned room in the Sheraton hotel. We had a perfect view of the monuments. Though I have had better views since then, it was the best because it was the first. I felt such a sense of pride and joy that day.

fireworks over the monuments

This year I'm going old school. I have a camping trip planned for this weekend. I'm really excited for it. Even though we wont be popping fireworks (against the law in the park) we will be spending the weekend outside with friends. I really can't wait to share pictures of the park with you all. Stay tuned in next week!

Love, Tina Marie

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