Monday, November 9, 2009

Annie Say's I'm not Committed to My Blog

So I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna committ the hell out of it.
I'm posting every day this week. That's right EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The guantlet is thrown.

Weekend Recap

I drove to RI this weekend. This is the third time this year I have made the trek up I-95.
It's a long f-ing drive. Not really, but driving back hungover is not fun... and all three times I've driven back hungover. You'd think I would have learned my lesson by now, but nope. I haven't.

It was lovely wedding. The bride and groom looked marvelous. I didn't take tons of pictures, but I'll post a few in the coming days.

From the Foodie in Me

Pioneer Woman cookbook
Annie turned me on the pioneer woman's blog. She's a city girl transplanted to a cattle ranch in Oklahoma. While I enjoy the blog on occasion (, I really enjoy her cookbook. For the novice chef there are tons of pictures. I think a major fault of a lot of cookbooks are the fact that they don't include illustrated descriptions. It's sometimes hard to follow directions when you don't know what your dish should look like. I highly recommend you check out her site, and if you can, buy her book. Thanks to Annie for the find on this one.


I'm getting paid to sew! That's right, right now I'm doing a lot of party planning type stuff, but as there are no current parties in the work for my client I am cataloging her supplies. This also means that I am creating some parties supplies from scratch. Right now I am sewing tablecloths to go with the next tea party. I LOVE doing this type of thing. It allows me to be creative AND get paid. Also, it's work I take home. I can literally watch TV or tune into music while I create. This job really is perfect for me.


  1. you came down my way and didnt say hi!!! So hurt!

  2. LosingWeightintheCity.comWed Nov 11, 12:06:00 PM

    you are totally inspiring me to find a job perfect for me!
