Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Just Gave My 2 Weeks

Thought I would post the story on here so that when people ask I can direct them to my blog.

The office manager just asked me to switch to another sector (I now work in education and healthcare) to support new people. I said no to the move and the manager said it's wasn't really up for debate. So I gave my 2 weeks. The reason they wanted me to switch was because they just hired new partners and out of the three sectors I already am a part of 2 of my bosses are "consultants". Which means they technically are part time. The other guy is retiring in May. The plan was they were going make other coordinators join the healthcare and education teams and give me two young full time people.
I was already planning on quitting in May. The partners in my office are so cut throat high maintenance, the idea of dealing with 2 completely new personalities was about the least appealing thing in the world to me. I just couldn't see myself doing this.

I still like my bosses. I think personally they are great guys. I was just tired of the atmosphere of it all. One year ago there were more people in my position than there are today. Today there are more partners to support. They stretch everyone thin to the point where no one likes what's going on.

Okay, that's all for today, back to regular posts tomorrow.

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