Monday, November 28, 2011

What's That You Say?

I haven't blogged since July?

Wow, well, color me embarrassed. I suppose I have let my blog fall to the wayside, bad Tina.

I suppose an update on my life is in order.

I'm still not in New Orleans, I have a move date though: December 19th. It's really coming up fast. I have so much more packing to do, but I have a good start. As for my bucket list I have accomplished quite a few items. There are a few on there that probably won't get done, which is sad, but it gives me reason to come back and visit. I promise to blog more in depth about what I have and haven't accomplished in detail. I've also been working on some life goals that I have decided I wanted to accomplish before I turn 30 (still more than a year away, but I figure I can get a jump on things).

It's late, so that's all for now.


Tina Marie

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